Introduction about me and my project

Hello! My name is Daniel Gallego Sánchez, and I’m going to introduce me in this post. My date of birth is 11/08/1994, I’m ending computer engineering from the University of Extremadura, and actually I am refining my final degree project. Since last year, I have been working in the Robotics Laboratory of the UEx, Robolab. Today, I am using the robotic framework implemented by the laboratory, Robocomp, to perform my degree project which consists in improvement to robocompDSL tool.

Since I am familiar with my organization and mentors, I have started to work in my GSoC project with one of the most basic steps for any teamwork, creating a branch of RoboComp called robocompdslROS. Here I will update all changes and improvement to robocompDSL tool and finally, in August, when all tests are satisfactory I’ll do the Pull-request.

My plan to work is spend 1 or 2 hours a day during the month of May and the first week of June, because I haven’t finished my studies. Once I finished (in the first week of June), I’m going to try to keep school hours, working in the mornings and some afternoons if it’s necessary. My main idea is to finish as soon as possible to spend the remaining time testing and fixing bugs that emerge. It would also be very useful for my project to make an user manual robocompDSL tool with the new improvements.

Main idea of this project is the intercompatibility between ROS and RoboComp frameworks. This will required to know about their middlewares, architecture, code generators and know their main differences and similarities. With this intercompatibility you will be able to develop components with Robocomp which may communicate with components (nodes) developed with ROS. This offers a wide range of possibilities that benefits both users who often use ROS as those using Robocomp.

What do you need to understand my GSoC project? Well, I will work with DSL (domain-specific language), ROS, RoboComp, Python, C++, and some Python modules and tools called Cog, PyParsing, etc. Below this post, you will be able to find some links with documentation about this knowledge required.

I will not really use ROS, but it’s necessary to know how it works to carry out the project.




RoboComp’s repository: