Creating CNN object detection component in robocomp
18 Jun 2016Design Specifications:
This component will be online and wait for image to be passed in form of RGB pixel values. The basic idea is to have a asynchronously triggerable remote procedure call. So that when the robot reaches any frontier for example a table where it can find objects, the object detection module is ready. Also this setting provides opportunity to load CNN apriori which is a time consuming process. Thus the object detection requires computing just the forward pass of the network and could be done at 0.3-0.4 Hz that is near real-time. ISDL interface file for the component: ============ module RoboCompobjectDetectionCNN {
struct BoundingBox
float x;
float y;
float width;
float height;
struct ColorRGB
byte red;
byte green;
byte blue;
struct Label
string name;
float belive;
BoundingBox bb;
sequence<ColorRGB> ColorSeq;
sequence<Label> ResultList;
interface objectDetectionCNN
void getLabelsFromImage(ColorSeq image, int rows, int cols, out ResultList result);
}; };
CSDL interface file for the component:
import “/robocomp/interfaces/IDSLs/objectDetectionCNN.idsl”; Component objectDetectionCNN { Communications { implements objectDetectionCNN;
language Cpp;
gui Qt(QWidget); };
Specific worker compute method:
void SpecificWorker::compute() { ///initialize caffe model only once ///read the model file and other parameters from “etc/caffe_config”
if(first) { first=false;
read_caffe_config("etc/caffe_config",model_file, trained_file, mean_file, label_file);
classifier= new Classifier(model_file, trained_file, mean_file, label_file);
Specific worker get detections:
- Convert ColorSeq to opencv::Mat.
- Now use top-hat and biletral filter to get object proposals.
- Once we have object proposal create a region of interest and pass it caffe classifier.
- Return the detections: bounding boxes, labels and classid.
Harit Pandya