RoboComp Logo

A simple robotics framework.

GSoC, Till Now…, (Before Midterms)

25 Jun 2015

Summary: Built a website for robocomp using jekyll.

Progress: Took the task of building a website for documenting the open source project RoboComp for the first 4 weeks of Google Summer of Code 2015. The website should be able to segregate the posts into categories, Make it easy for users to post content and most importantly have a proper flow among the posts so that a new users will find it easy to learn the framework.

Started building the website by using the dbyll theme. Messed around with the code a bit and had the website up for robocomp. Website link. After a few iterations the website was all good. While exploring on the same topic stumbled upon Type theme. Which was a jekyll based them more clean and elegant than the first one. Ported the entire website to the type theme and currently have shifted the website to the robocomp organization on github. Currently have tweaked the website based on the suggetsions recieved by the mentors.

Version-1 :

Future: Will implement automatic segregation of posts based on categories the user mention. Extend the features of the website and add analytics, comments for blog posts etc. Give the website its final iterations based on the suggestions recieved.

Rajath Kumar M.P