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A simple robotics framework.

Frequently Asked Questions for GSoC’21/RoboComp applicants

This is the RoboComp’s Frequently Asked Questions list for GSoC’21. New questions will be added. Please, take a look before asking.

I am interested in participating in RoboComp as a GSoC’21 student. What should I do?

First of all, we work with Git so you should have some experience with it. If you don’t, we recommend you to follow this tutorial:

We encourage you to install RoboComp and familiarise with the framework. In particular, following the tutorials will help you understand how to create and use components. It will also help you get an overall idea of how the framework works.
There is a RoboComp installation FAQ.

I want to apply to GSoC’21/RoboComp. Which are the deadlines?

The following is a list of the deadlines that are relevant for students applying to participate in GSoC. However, the ultimate source of information in terms of deadlines will always be the Google Summer of Code website:

  • March 10 - March 29: Students get involved in the project and disscuss ideas with the mentors. If you’re thinking about participating as a student, please follow all the tutorials.
  • March 29 - April 13: Students submit their applications.
  • April 13 - May 17: Applications are reviewed and selected.
  • May 17: The list of accepted students is announced.

I have installed RoboComp and followed all the tutorials. What should I do next?

If you have installed RoboComp and followed all the tutorials, it is time to get in contact with the mentors.
You can find the mentors contact information for GSoC’21 at the end of this page.

Some tips

If you want to contribute to Robocomp:

  • Don’t go in and ask what you can do. Only you know what skills you have and what you are interested in.
  • Look at the repositories that depend on Robocomp. Look at their names and recent activity. Are you interested in any of those with recent activity? Go in and take a look.
  • The ideas proposed in previous years for GSOC are a good source of inspiration and show you what the organization was interested in
  • The posts of other participants can give you an idea of the state in which some ideas were left in case you want to take them up again to make a proposal.
  • You can also see last year’s mentors. This may change this year, but if you combine it with a look at the latest commits from the most active Robocomp repositories you will be able to see what is being worked on right now in the organization. You will know who to ask about specific topics.