RoboComp Logo

A simple robotics framework.


Kripasandhu Sarkar

  1. Computer vision components and libraries management #1

  2. Computer vision components and libraries management #2

  3. Computer vision components and libraries management #3

  4. Computer vision components and libraries management #4

Nithin Murali

  1. Building and deployment system design

  2. Debian Packaging 1

  3. Debian Packaging 2

  4. Setting up ppa

  5. New build system and workspace model in Robocomp #1

  6. New build system and workspace model in Robocomp #2

  7. Build Tools (tutorial)

  8. Packaging RoboComp (tutorial)

  9. Till now, after midterms

  10. Packaging libccd and FCL (tutorial)

Rajath Kumar M.P.

  1. Python, Getting Distance and Angle Measurements

  2. Python, DifferentialRobot Tutorial

  3. Python, Obstacle Avoiding Bot

  4. C++, Laser.idsl tutorial

  5. C++, Differential Robot Tutorial

  6. C++, Obstacle Avoiding Bot

  7. Interfaces Documentation, DifferentialRobot.idsl

  8. Interfaces Documentation, Laser.idsl

  9. Write a post for robocomp, A step by step guide.

  10. GSoC, Before Midterms

  11. GSoC, After Midterms

Mercedes Palotelli

  1. GSoC, Symbolic planning techniques for recognizing objects domestic #1

  2. GSoC, Symbolic planning techniques for recognizing objects domestic #2: Inverse Kinematics

  3. GSoC, Symbolic planning techniques for recognizing objects domestic #3: Visual Inverse Kinematics

  4. GSoC, Symbolic planning techniques for recognizing objects domestic #4: Inverse kinematics Graph Generator

  5. GSoC, Symbolic planning techniques for recognizing objects domestic #5: System Review

  6. GSoC, Symbolic planning techniques for recognizing objects domestic #6: Grasping object