Changes in Learnbot-DSL
July 19, 2017
The new changes in the Learnbot-DSL are:
While loop
Temporal Loop
Turn 90 degree functions
Exitloop command
While loop
while <condition>
statement 2
The set of statements run as long as the given condition is true.
Temporal Loop
repeat <n> seconds
statement 1
statement 2
The set of statements run continuously for n seconds.
##Turn 90 functionalities
Added two new functions for turning right and left by 90 degrees, the earlier turn_right and turn_left functions are modified to a generic turn function for better performance and adaptability with the newly written visual functions like line follower.
Exitloop command
This command works similar to a break command, but because we want to keep the commands simple, it has been named exitloop, so that it is understood to used for exiting loops if required.
Aniq Ur Rahman