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A simple robotics framework.

Learnblock extension for collaborative robotics

1st May, 2018


My name is Prinshu Kumar. I am a sophomore pursuing Computer Science and Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar.I am a participant of GSoC 2018 and will be making a significant contribution to it. I will be working on extending the Learnblock which is a Learnbot Programming language to support collaborative Robotics. I will be developing a system that enables Learnbot to communicate between and offer this option through the learnblock tool to the end user. Finally I will develop a use case example of these collaborative robotics. I will also make tutorials for future users and developers of the platform.

There are two ways through which communication can be done and it will depend on user what he/she wants to implement. The two ways through which communication can be done is as following :

  1. Master Slave type connection : There is a master robot and others are slave robot. The master robot will provide instructions to the slave robot.
  2. Friend type connection : Each robot will have the same level and every robot can send instruction to other robot.

I have decided to follow the below timeline :

First evaluation

  1. Understanding the current Learnblock code : The Learnbot has quite developed Programming tool i.e.Learnblock. I will be understanding the current Learnblock code.
  2. Making GUI for Master slave robots : The GUI which contains the Master slave robots functions in the form of blocks.
  3. Making GUI for Friend type robots : The GUI which contains the Friend robots functions in the form of blocks.

Second evalution

  1. Backend for master robots in Python : I will be writing the backend of the blocks of the master robot fuctions in python.
  2. Backend for slave robots in Python : I will be writing the backend of the blocks of the slave robots fuctions in python.
  3. Backend for friend type robots in Python : I will be writing the backend of the blocks of the friend type robots fuctions in python.
  4. Backend for user defined functions in Python : I will be writing the backend of the blocks of the user defied fuctions in python.

Third evaluation

  1. Creating a use case example : I will be making an use case example for the above defined collaborative robotics. It will be a situation where robots will be searching for a particular object around a given area.
  2. I will be making tutorial for the future users and developers of the learnblock.

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