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A simple robotics framework.

Second post

23th Julio, 2019


  • Create a robocomp controller to control a EV3_LEGO

First task: Finish a E-Puck controller

In the first days of the second delivery, there wasn’t an EV3_LEGO to implement in a scene of VREP, so I started to use and complete the EPuck controller developed in the first delivery. The reason for changing some features in this controller is because it wasn’t complete and it needs to be compatible with Robocomp. I implemented all the robot components and It works great and It could be used (with some changes) to control an EV3_LEGO model.

Second task: Create a EV3_LEGO controller


EV3_LEGO is a Lego robot which has educational purposes. It can be used in a lot of ways, like using an iPad with the Lego app to be accessible to everyone. The components that makes up the model are referred in the next python dictionary.

        'robot': 'LEGO_EV3',
        'camera': 'Camara',
        'camera_bumper': 'Camara_bumper',
        'camera_sonar': 'Camara_sonar',
        'sensor_color_LR': 'Sensor_Color_LR',
        'sensor_color_RC': 'Sensor_Color_RC',
        'sonar': 'Sonar',
        'bumper': 'Bumper',
        'motor_b': 'Motor_B',
        'motor_c': 'Motor_C',
        'slider': 'Slider_SF',
        'giroscope': 'Giroscopio'



The robot has 3 cameras (Camera, camera_bumper and camera_sonar).

There’s 2 light sensors behind EV3, named sensor_color_LR and sensor_color_RC, a sonar, a bumper, 2 motors (1 for each wheel), a slider and a giroscope.

Third task: RoboComp’s implementation.

After develop a functional EV3 controller, it’s necessary to be implemented as a RoboComp component. In order to make it possible, the component will have a DifferentialRobot interface (see DifferentialRobot.idsl on robocomp interfaces). The component will have all of the necessary methods to implement the interface successfully.