Integrating V-REP with RoboComp as an external simulator and as an in-the-loop simulator
June 22, 2019
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### Need a way to remotely connect to the scene simulation in V-REP
- To control the simulation running in V-REP, we need a way to remotely connect to the simulation to control the objects in the scene.
- Advances:
- We decided to use: Legacy remote API, which allows to control a simulation (or the simulator itself) from an external application.
- The Remote API function list is the list of functions that can be used to control the simulation remotely.
### Convert scene files of RoboComp written in XML to .ttt scene file types supported in V-REP
- The scene files (like simpleworld.xml) of RoboComp are in .xml format, so, our goal is to convert these xml file to the filetype supported by V-REP.
V-REP supports binary file format with .ttt extension.
- Advances:
- The following are posts on the vrep-forum, that enquire about converting xml/text files into .ttt files:
- V-REP does not directly support XML. We can however write XML importers/exporters. For writing importers/exporters, we can use the source code of the COLLADA importer/exporter, or the URDF importer plugins as reference.
- Or, another way is to go through the whole set of elements in the scene using the Python API and write them in a file using a text format (innermodel for instance). This, way we can go from ttt to other readable file formats.
- The following are posts on the vrep-forum, that enquire about converting xml/text files into .ttt files:
### Creating objects in the scene remotely using python script
- We need the ability to create the objects in the scene(running in V-REP) remotely via a python script.
- Advances:
- There are no Remote API function to create objects in the scene. So, we can use the regular API function: sim.createPureShape to create objects. But, regular API functions cannot be used in a remote script.
- So, to use a regular API function, one can use:
- the generic remote API function simxCallScriptFunction, this will call a V-REP function in the embedded script in scene, which can then execute any type of operation locally, then return data.
- I have created a test script describing the procedure to create the primitive scenes in a vrep scene:
- So, to use a regular API function, one can use:
- There are no Remote API function to create objects in the scene. So, we can use the regular API function: sim.createPureShape to create objects. But, regular API functions cannot be used in a remote script.
### Moving an non-motor objects in the scene (eg Primitive shapes)
- We might require the ability to move a non-motor object in the scene.
- Advances:
- V-REP has no functionalities to give a velocity to non-motor objects.
- But, we can move non-motor objects by changing their position in each iteration of the loop using the function “simxSetObjectPosition (regular API equivalent: sim.setObjectPosition)” API function.
- I have created a test scripts that demonstrates how we can move a non-motor objects:
- See the file “” for more details on moving non-motor objects.
### Moving the motors in vrep and sense the obstacles in VREP
- We might need the ability to move the motors in the scene remotely.
- We also need the ability to sense the obstacles/nearby-objects in the scene.
- Advances:
- We can set the velocity of motor/joint using the Remote API function: ‘simxSetJointTargetVelocity’.
- We can sense the nearby obstacles/objects by adding a proximity sensor to our robot in the scene and then using the Remote API function “simxReadProximitySensor” to get the position and other details of objects near the robot.
- I have created a test scripts that demonstrates the above mentioned functionalities:
- See the file “” for more details.
### Running the vrep in headless mode:
- We need the ability to run V-REP simulation of a scene and the associated scripts in headless mode(i.e. without any GUI).
- Advances:
- A scene named “scene.ttt” can simulated in V-REP using the following command:
./ -h -s5000 -q scene.ttt
- -h: runs V-REP in headless mode (i.e. without any GUI)
- -sXXX: automatically start the simulation. XXX represents an optional simulation time in milliseconds after which simulation should stop again.
- -q: automatically quits V-REP after the first simulation run ended.
- Refer this link for detailed description: Headless mode on running V-REP in headless mode.
- A scene named “scene.ttt” can simulated in V-REP using the following command:
This section describes the Library to Remotely Control V-REP
- With the help of the library:
- We can now run our script with just one command eg: “python”
- The above command will automatically starts vrep in headless mode (as a subprocess) and perform the control using (eg: moving an object, obstactle detection etc) and store the data and prints the data on terminal.
- We can now run our script with just one command eg: “python”
The Library, available at, can correctly handle the following routines:
- Start a V-REP instance from Python
- Connect to the instance you’ve started
- Load the scene file (the scene we are about to simulate)
- Start the simulation
- Step the simulation
- Read/Write something from/to V-REP to control the simulation and record data
- Goto 5 several times
- Stop the simulation
- Check to see if the simulation actually stopped.
- Goto 4 several times
- Kill the V-REP instance from python if no longer needed.
- For testing the library
- Clone this repository:
- Open the file VrepLibrary/ in your favourite editor.
- Change the arguments of this line ‘venv = vrepper(dir_vrep=’/home/nikhil/V-REP_PRO_EDU_V3_5_0_Linux/’, headless=True)’.
- dir_vrep: denotes the path to vrep directory.
- headless: denotes whether to start the simulation in headless mode or not.
- Save the above file
- Run ‘python’
Instructions on writing python script that uses above Library
A python script to start the simulation (following above routine) in headless mode, can be written using following functions:
from vrepper.core import vrepper
# create a vrepper object using the following command:
# dir_vrep is the path to vrep directory.
# port_num denotes the port on which to start vrep(if port_num=None then a random port will be assigned)
venv = vrepper(port_num=None, dir_vrep='/home/nikhil/V-REP_PRO_EDU_V3_5_0_Linux/', headless=True)
# Start a V-REP instance
# To load a scene after creating V-REP instance:
venv.load_scene(current_dir + '/scenes/scene.ttt')
# start simulation in realtime mode to set initial position
- See the following “” for detailed description.
- Refer the following example files for detailed description:
- Find a way to convert Scene files of RoboComp written in XML to .ttt scene file types supported in V-REP.
- Find a way to simulate a scene as fast as possible i.e super-real time simulation in headless mode
Nikhil Bansal