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A simple robotics framework.

Integrating V-REP with RoboComp as an external simulator and as an in-the-loop simulator

July 22, 2019

[![N Solid](/web/gsoc/2019/nikhil_bansal/RoboComp_logo.png)](


### Convert scene files of RoboComp written in XML to .ttt scene file types supported in V-REP

  • The scene files (like simpleworld.xml) of RoboComp are in .xml format, so, our goal is to convert these xml file to the filetype supported by V-REP.
  • V-REP supports binary file format with .ttt extension.
  • Advances:
    • Asked the concerned question in V-REP forum: XML/text to .ttt(binary files) supported by V-REP. The following are the methods suggested to convert existing xml files into ttt file:
      • V-REPs SDF plugin can be used in some way, since, V-REP can import SDF files (which are basically XML files conforming to the SDF specification) via the SDF plugin.
      • We can write some simple XML importer via an add-on function. With the help of an add-on function that ships with V-REP: vrepAddOnFunc_minimalisticImporter.lua Then we can use a Lua XML parser (preferably a pure-Lua, such as SLAXML for instance).

Validation test of the V-REP integration

### The idea is to use the Lego EV3 as the target robot in V-REP, a simple 2mx2m planar space with walls and a line drawn on the floor so it can follow it.

  • For the testing, we required V-REP model of Lego EV3 robot. We found two model files for the Lego EV3 robot:
  • Using the LEGO_EV3_MERGE model file, the following scene hierarchy was created in the V-REP scene:
    • Line follower scene hierarchy
  • And, the following is the sped up demo of the Lego EV3 robot being controlled by controller to follow a line on the floor:
    • Line follower


### To guide the developers on how to use V-REP Remote API to control the behaviour of the scene:

Create a controller using RoboComp bridge components to control a EV3_Lego

  • The component has a DifferentialRobot interface (see DifferentialRobot.idsl on robocomp interfaces). The component also has all of the necessary methods to implement the interface successfully.

  • For testing, the EV3_LEGO robot is used with the following V-REP model-types:



  • The following are the components that makes up the model:

    __COMPONENTS = {
            'robot': 'LEGO_EV3',
            'camera': 'Camara',
            'camera_bumper': 'Camara_bumper',
            'camera_sonar': 'Camara_sonar',
            'sensor_color_LR': 'Sensor_Color_LR',
            'sensor_color_RC': 'Sensor_Color_RC',
            'sonar': 'Sonar',
            'bumper': 'Bumper',
            'motor_b': 'Motor_B',
            'motor_c': 'Motor_C',
            'slider': 'Slider_SF',
            'giroscope': 'Giroscopio'
    • The robot has two motors named “Motor_B”, and “Motor_C” which are used to control the movement(rotation and translation). And, it also has two sensors for sensing the surroundings.
  • The V-REP scene act as a Server and the corresponding client logic is implemented in This is the code snippet to initialize the client in robocomp component to connect to V-REP server:

    class VRepClientController:
    def __init__(self, host, port): = host
        self.port = port
        self.client_id = -1
        self.console_id = -1
        self.debug = False
        if not self.is_connected():
            if self.debug:
                err_print(prefix="COMPONENT CREATION",
                          message=["CANNOT CONNECT TO REMOTE API"])
            raise Exception("CANNOT CONNECT TO REMOTE API")
  • remote_demo.ttt is the V-REP scene file for testing the robot.

  • EV3_LEGO_controller is the python file containing the functions used to control the robot.

  • The compute function in has the logic for the robot to follow a line in the scene. This file basically calls the function in the file EV3_LEGO_controller to control the robot.

Nikhil Bansal