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A simple robotics framework.

Human Scene Simulation

This component is created to simulate an environment, where several people interact with each other based on the dataset.

The component can be found at the robocomp-viriato directory with the name “HumanSceneSim.”

Human Scene Simulation

Video Demo can be found at

Dataset Used

Here We are using the SALSA Dataset

  • The purpose of this component is to create a specific agent with a new graphical interface that allows, frame by frame, to update the position of a person, or a group of people, in the environment - and, therefore, in the DSR.

  • This dataset contains a frame by frame position change of the persons.

About the Dataset

  • The first column of all modalities is the timestamp in SECONDS from the first visual images

  • The Position/pose related to persons are stores in the geometryGT

  • These are the columns
    Timestamp[s] , Ground_Position_X[m] , Ground_Position_Y[m] , Useless_Field , Body_Pose[rad] , Relative_Head2Body_Pose[rad] , Validity[bool]

  • Each CSV file in the geometryGT folder corresponds to a person with the ID as the name of the CSV file.

  • there are two different scenes:

How we have proceeded

  • The first step is to get to know about the dataset, what each column signifies and how to use these value to recreate the environment, also filter out unnecessary columns.

  • Data Extraction from the CSV file is done using extractCSV function, which uses File stream to fetch the data from the CSV.

  • These data are then stored in a PersonCsvData Class.

  • This class stores only a single frame of the person’s pose data.

  • A vector of PersonCsvData vector<PersonCsvData> personCsv is used to store all the pose frame of a particular person.

  • These Person specific pose data is now mapped with the ID of the Person, and stored as map<int, vector<PersonCsvData>> PersonAvailable

UI Perspective

  • Two Separate options are given to the user; the first one is to include a folder and the second one to include only a person’s CSV file.

  • A playing control is also added to give functionality to the user to view the environment at that particular timestamp.

  • Another functionality is given to play frame by frame at a specific interval as set by the user in fps drop down box.

  • Arrows are also provided to move to the next or previous frame.

  • QTableView is also implemented to view the exact data in realtime as the user move to a new frame.

AGM Integration

  • This component needs to be linked with the AGM so that all the changes will also be reflected in the AGM.

  • For this agmexecutive_proxy is used and for every new frame a link update is performed using AGMMisc::publishEdgeUpdate method.

  • The function includeInAGM is used to include a person in the AGM.

RCIS Integration

  • To make the person move in the RCIS, we need to make changes in the inner model.

  • This is achieved using the innermodelmanager_proxy, and we have used a common mesh for all persons that are added.

  • The function includeInRCIS is used to include a person in the inner model.

  • The function movePersons is responsible for all the person movement both in inner model as well as in AGM.

Rahul Katiyar