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GSoC’20 RoboComp project: Human recognition (identification) using multi-modal perception system

14th August 2020

Demo GUI

This blog post shows the usecases of the human identification module

Demo Video

Adding person to database

Fig-1 Run the client application, double-click on the person thats needed to be added. Type the name. Click OK.


Inference 1 Inference 2 Inference 3

Fig-2 Inference on test databset

Deleting person from database

Fig-3 Run the client application, double-click on the person thats needed to be deleted

Evaluation dataset to testing the module

We have created a small database, link.

To evaluate:

  1. Each person will have 3 videos. (Preferably walking)
  2. Store data from 1 video and evaluate on other videos.

Shubh Maheshwari