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A simple robotics framework.


About me:

I am Fernando Martín Ramos-Catalina, a telecommunications engineering student at the University of Seville. This is the first time that I have participated in the google summer camp, and it is also my first approach to the world of work. I hope to learn a lot from this project, both in technical knowledge and working following a project roadmap.

About the project:

AGM is a program designed on Robocomp. It includes several tools, such as a planner (AGGLPlanner).

Unfortunately AGM is written in python 2 and has been without maintenance for a long time. It is at this point that my project focuses: Porting AGM to python 3, updating it, and adapting it to the new needs of robolab.

For this, the project will consist of several phases, each with two phases: a porting phase and a testing phase. In the first, the code will be passed from python 2 to python 3, and any errors related to this process will be solved. In the second phase we will focus on checking by testing if the code is executing correctly and verifying which parts of the code are executed, thus knowing that these parts are correctly ported.