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A simple robotics framework.

GSoC’21 RoboComp project: Sign language recognition

29th July 2021


Both components are runned on Python3 environment. In order to ease the pain of installation, I use Anaconda virtual enviroment. Link:

The requirement libraries for running components:

  • cudatoolkit == 11.0.2
  • cudnn == 8.0.5
  • mediapipe == 0.8.x
  • opencv == 4.5.2
  • pyside2
  • onnxruntime-gpu == 1.8.1 (should install with pip)
  • tensorRT == 8.0.1 (Should install with pip)
  • torchaudio == 0.7
  • torchvision == 0.8
  • pytorch == 1.7.x
  • zeroc-ice == 3.7.6
  • rich
  • pycuda


Body Hand pose detection:

The detector component is in robocomp-robolab/components/detection/BodyHandJointsDetector/ and its client is in robocomp-robolab/components/detection/test/bodyHandJointsDetectorClient/

Copy pretrained model from this link: to src/_model/ in the detector component folder.

Steps: 1) Follow the introduction in the to cmake the folder, and run the component. 2) Run the detector before the client.

This client will get image from camera and send to detector and get back the body pose + hand joints and show as:

Body pose detection

Image based Sign language recognition:

The recognizer component is in robocomp-robolab/components/detection/imageBasedGestureRecognition/ and its client is in robocomp-robolab/components/detection/test/imageBasedGestureRecognitionClient/

Copy pretrained model from this link: to src/_model/ in the recognizer component folder.

Steps: 1) Follow the introduction in the to cmake the folder, and run the component. 2) Run the detector before the client.

This client will get image from camera and send to recognizer and get back the top 5 of action from nearest 64 frames.