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GSoC’21 RoboComp project: Sign language recognition

14th Aug 2021


Throughout this projest, three components are published: BodyHandJointsDetector, ImageBaseGestureRecognition, PoseBasedGestureRecognition. I will also code the testing client for each approach.

  • BodyHandJointsDetector: component , client. In this component, I use Openpose light model and media-pipe lib to get skeleton from image body.

  • ImageBasedRecognition: component , client. In this project, we implement WLASL recognizer. There are pretrained model for this dataset. Therefore, we reuse these models without any training. In the image-based approach, they use I3D model for recognition.

  • PoseBasedRecognition: component , client. For pose-based reocngition, we reuse Pose-TGCN (graph neural network). This model have body/hand joints input and output the gesture classes.

The pretrained recognized model is trained by 25 frames/second dataset. Therefore, our components is expected to work well with this FPS. Furthermore, in order to work well with body/hand joints detector, the background of video should be simple (not to many colors and objects).

Inference acceleration:

The inference directly from Python for Pytorch models usually performs poorly. Therefore, I apply some techniques:

  • Using C++ code for post-processing.
  • Change the Pytorch format to ONNX format.
  • Combine trained ONNX model with NVIDIA® TensorRT.

Pull Requests:

I have made my commits in some pull requests:

  • For all components:
  • For IDSL files:
  • For blog:,,,,

Future works:

I have just finished 3 listed components. However the accuracy of PoseBasedRecognizer is still low. Furthermore, the applying of Unsupervised model is still not used. Therefore, in the future, we would like to:

  • Improve result of Pose-based approach.
  • Apply unsupervised techniques for gesture recognition.

Thanking Note:

The journey of GSoC 2021 is really interested. I learn a lot about: open source contribution, robocomp library, and also about sign language problem for the first time. Furthermore, I faced some challenges and it’s quite fun to deal with.

I would like to thank Aditya Aggarwal and Kanva Gupta for patiently help me in this project.